天龍窯 萩焼のピューター皿 N▸400
「N▸400」とは ”400年続いた萩焼を次の400年に繋げる"為に立ち上げられたプロジェクト。職人さんが培ってきた萩焼の伝統技法はそのままに、現代の暮らしに寄り添うデザインとなっております。
制作は山口県萩市にある天龍窯さん、デザインは同じく萩市にあるGallery JIBITAさん。
ピューター写し 6寸 ホワイト、ライトブルー、グリーン
●材 質:陶器(萩焼)

〈天龍窯 N▸400 とは?〉
Gallrery JIBITA、そして萩焼最隆盛期を支えた職人を擁する天龍窯が共同により、萩焼再興を目指して取り組んでおります。
意匠:Gallery JIBITA 制作:天龍窯

Tenryu Kiln Hagi Pewter Plate N▸400
Pewter plates made by Tenryu Kiln in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, using traditional Hagiyaki techniques, but with a modern touch to add a touch of elegance to your daily life.
N▸400" is a project launched to "connect the 400 years of Hagi ware to the next 400 years. The traditional techniques of Hagi ware cultivated by artisans have been retained, but the design is more in tune with modern life.
The production was done by Tenryugama in Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and the design was done by Gallery JIBITA, also in Hagi City.
We sympathize with the passion of the two artists and the joy of being able to easily pick up genuine Hagi ware, and the lovely and beautiful design looks like a flower blooming. We were captivated by the cute plates, just the right size for cakes and toast, and selected them.
It is one of our favorite plates at mon autre.
We hope that this design will reach Shibuya, far away in Tokyo, as well as all over Japan through our online shop. We hope our thoughts will reach you.
What is Tenryugama N▸400?
Tenryugama N▸400 is a group of nameless craftsmen who have been behind the 400-year history of Hagi ware.
The key to Hagi ware's 400-year history was the presence of nameless craftsmen.
N▸400" is a project that aims to create new Hagi ware with the advanced skills of these craftsmen, and to create a new type of Hagi ware that has never been produced before.
This new product is a step forward to the next 400 years of Hagi ware.
It is a new product of Hagiyaki.
Gallerie JIBITA and Tenryugama, which has craftsmen who supported Hagi ware during its heyday, are working together to revive Hagi ware.
Design: Gallery JIBITA Production: Tenryugama
Pewter copy, 6" White, green, light blue
Size: Approximately 18.5 x 2 cm (height)
Material: Ceramic (Hagi ware)