毎日お世話になるご飯茶碗、お気に入りのアイテムを食卓に置くだけで、ちょっと特別な気分になれるかもしれません。 手作りの作品は、あたたてくて魅力的ですよね。使うたびに愛着が湧いてきそうです。こういう器を使うと、普段の食事も少しだけ贅沢に感じられるから不思議です。
口径 約11cm × 高さ 約6.5cm
微妙な釉薬の流れや厚みで変わる色の変化などから出会えるイロに 一喜一憂しながら作っております。
- PC、スマホの環境により画像の色が違うことがあります。(明るめに再現されることが多いと思います)
- 作品は一つ一つ、心を込めて手づくりをしております。手づくりのため形やサイズ、釉薬のムラや焼き色などに若干のゆがみなど個体差がございます。
- 材質と製造工程の性質上、表面に「ピンホール」と呼ばれる小さな穴や釉薬による点などが見られる場合がありますが、既製品にはないハンドメイドの味やとしてお楽しみいただければと思います。
- 陶磁器は大地から掘り出した粘土で成形しています、土の中に含まれる鉄分が焼成後小さな黒や茶色の点として残ることがあり素地の中または素地と釉薬の間で発色しているものです。高温で焼成していますので使用に差し支えません、安心してお使いください。
Bronze rice bowl <⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱> [One of a kind]
The bronze rice bowl in a dull green color has a calming atmosphere to it. Its gentle color makes you feel as if you are in nature. In addition, the ⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱ pattern drawn using the Icchin technique is a simple yet elegant accent.
Just placing your favorite rice bowl on the dinner table, a dish you use every day, may make you feel a little more special. Handmade items are warm and attractive. You will grow more attached to it every time you use it. It's amazing how using this kind of dish makes everyday meals feel a little more luxurious.
If you come across this rice bowl, please pick it up. It may become one of your favorite items.
Diameter approx. 11 cm x Height approx. 6.5 cc
Capacity Approx. 240cc
Weight Approx. 147g
Materials: Porcelain clay, glaze
Microwave ⚪︎
Oven ×
Dishwasher ⚪︎
Please note that rapid cooling may cause damage.
We make our pieces with joy and sorrow, as we encounter colors that change with the subtle flow of the glaze and the thickness of the pieces
When you hold them in your hands, you will be thrilled by the colors and shapes, and we hope to bring you a little luxury
The color of the image may differ depending on your PC or smartphone environment. (It is often reproduced brighter.
Each piece is handmade with care, so there may be individual differences in shape, size, unevenness in the glaze, and slight distortions in the color of the baked pieces
Also, due to the nature of the material and manufacturing process, small holes called "pinholes" and spots caused by the glaze may be found on the surface, but we hope you will enjoy them as a handmade taste that is not found in pre-made products
Ceramics are molded from clay dug from the earth, and iron contained in the soil may remain as small black or brown spots after firing. The color is developed in the base or between the base and the glaze. Since it is fired at a high temperature, it is safe to use, so please use it with confidenc
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